Monday, January 11, 2010

Binary Star

The first album I will discuss, is Binary Star, "Masters of the Universe". One of the first rap albums I have taken any interest in, it contains the type of relaxed, wordy rap that tends to appeal to me. The rhyming is good, and certainly a far cry from the repetitive, nails-on-a-chalkboard shit that I often hear on my local hip-hop radio stations. The album is ten bucks on iTunes, and is by my count 18 tracks, so definitely a bargain. Often the beats are a little simple, the background effects bland and to a minor degree reptitive. I can only assume that is either a stylistic decisive on the part of the artists, or attributable to the low-budget circumstances from which I believe the album was created.
Ceratainly an album worth listening to, a real chill rap, plenty of solid lyrics. Still it has enough references to lower-tier life and classic rap terms to remind you that it is in fact, rap. The occasional vinyl scratch and the slow simple beats give a solid, old school feel.


I guess the purpose of this thing is to provide a scope of reference in regards to various music. Along with my new effort to find different music, I have decided to post my findings for the world to see. You probably won't like them, but fuck it, I kind of do.